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Don't waste work time searching for a available meeting room in the hallways.

Avoid interruption by peeking through the door to see if the room is available, but instead use the modern eBoard for planning meetings and displaying occupied rooms.

Reserve a meeting room in advance remotely or instantly on-site via a QR code.

Scan the QR code

Check the schedule and availability of the meeting room. If it's available at the given time, you can reserve it by scanning the QR code displayed on the eBOARD with your mobile phone.

Set the date and time in the calendar

In the app, you can set the date and time of the meeting, its duration, and invite colleagues or clients who will attend. You can later edit the details using the calendar.

Continue with your work

The meeting will automatically be recorded in the eBOARD and visible to everyone. It will also be added to the invited attendees' calendars, ensuring no one forgets about the meeting.


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